group fitness
Our fitness sessions focus on stretching, cardio and aerobic activity. Cardio/aerobic activity is empirically linked to improving your biochemical and emotional functioning.
Our goals here are not limited to specifics (i.e. weight reduction, muscle building, etc.), but rather our aim is to help you integrate movement and physical fitness back into your life.
Whether it is a cardio circuit in our in-house gym, a brisk group-walk through one of our local parks, or even an abbreviated soccer game with eight people, we want you to think of it as going to the gym with 4 - 8 of your friends.
Everything we recommend is paced and nothing is pressure based. Injuries and chronic pain are not a barrier to entry, however each case is discussed prior to enrolment.
We believe there is no one ‘best exercise’ for everyone. We believe group exercise should be fun and motivating for all.