The development of Lifebalance Groups has been in direct response to the need for new mental health treatment options in B.C. and Canada. There are countless individual therapy options in the Vancouver lower mainland; however group therapy programs for mental health are not as widely available. We offer a client-centered approach that is novel and combines behavioural reactivation and social exposure in treating mental health.
Our purpose is to provide clients treatment in a healthy, compassionate, and active atmosphere. We combine therapy, yoga, and fitness under one roof, with the overall goal of addressing and improving mental health needs. We also strive to provide popular group topics and also those that are particularly difficult to find in our current treatment climate.
The benefits of group therapy have been well researched and scientifically supported as a strong option in addressing and improving mental health. Group therapy is a dynamic process and no one group is the same. Although some educational aspects are necessary, our therapy groups are not solely psycho-educational groups. We do not use bottled therapies or operate our content in standardized program/module style formats. This is real group therapy.
Our group programs are unique in that they have a significant emphasis on ‘practical’ learning, an important aspect missing from other psychological therapy options. We do not leave the important features of breathing/relaxation and physical exercise for our clients to do on their own.
Clients in our therapy groups also attend two yoga and two fitness sessions on a weekly basis, for the 6 or 8 week duration of the course. In our clinical Driving Anxiety program. Clients participate in in-vivo (real life) exposure/desensitization training with a certified driving instructor who specializes in working with anxious and fearful drivers.
At a time in our society where we have more loneliness and social withdrawal than ever before, it is important for people to understand they are not going through an experience alone. There is a curative effect that comes from social interaction and the group therapy dynamic process. When over an 8 week period you meet the same group of people 40 times for various therapeutic health oriented activities, you will feel better and be primed to continue health/self care on your own.